What we fund

The Lawson Trust’s five key funding priorities are:

  • Arts and Heritage
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Social & economic disadvantage

Organisations which can best demonstrate engagement at community level within the areas of Kent and Sussex will always be a priority for the trustees.

The Lawson Trust does not support:

  • Individuals
  • Non-registered charities
  • Community Interest Companies
  • Overseas charities
  • Political parties
  • Promotion of religion
  • Scout groups
  • Parent teacher associations
  • National charity overheads
  • National charity remote information and advice services.
The Lawson Trust - Where We Fund

Where we fund

The trustees are always keen to direct funds towards the counties of Kent and Sussex where the founders of the trust lived and worked. The trust also supports national charities which can direct their support to Kent and Sussex or have beneficiaries in these counties. The trust does not support charities which are neither local or national, for example a charity which operates solely in Southampton would not be eligible.

Applicants in Kent & Sussex

For applicants based in Kent seeking grants up to £5,000 please see Kent Community Foundation, which manages The Lawson Endowment for Kent. https://kentcf.org.uk/apply

For applicants based in Sussex with an income of under two million pounds please see Sussex Community Foundation, which manages the Lawson Endowment for Sussex.

Image courtesy of Construction Youth Trust

How to Apply

The Trust does not consider applications for funding by post. Please follow our online application process outlined here.

The Lawson Trust accepts applications all year round and meets four times a year. Before applying please read the information further up this page, ensuring that you are eligible to apply.

The trust does not make grants in response to applications received in general appeals or mail shots. Please use the online application form linked at the end of this section.

We have made the application process easier for Kent-based applicants by aligning with Kent Community Foundation's (KCF) application form. Therefore, if you are seeking further funding for your organisation in Kent you can use the same information you used in an application to KCF in your application to The Lawson Trust. However, please note that the board will not fund organisations that have received funding from The Lawson Endowment for Kent via KCF in the previous year.

The deadline for the current round is noon, Friday 28 March 2025 for consideration at our 8 May meeting.

It is necessary to register on our new application site before commencing an application. You can save and re-visit your application at any time. If you are ready to begin, please select the link below.


Image courtesy of Stuart Leech for Turner Contemporary 

The outcome of your application will be communicated within two working days of the board meeting at which your application is considered.

If your application is successful your eligibility to be considered at a subsequent meeting will be eighteen months hence your award.

Feedback on unsuccessful applications will be given upon request.

Please contact Hayley, the trust administrator, via email (enquiries@lawsontrust.org) if you have any questions.


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